Selected Herbarium Specimen Details (9) Download

Family Name:Apiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Oxypolis ternata (Nutt.) A. Heller - Determined By: M. A. Feist, Apr 2012
Determination History: Oxypolis ternata (Nutt.) A. Heller - Determined By: R. K. Godfrey
Locality:USA. Florida. Franklin Co.: Apalachicola National Forest. Near Wright Lake, Sw of Sumatra. 29º 43’ 32” N -84º -58’ -59” W
Habitat:Longleaf pine [Pinus palustris] - wiregrass [Aristida stricta] savanna, frequently winter-burned.
Reproductive State:Fruit
Collector:R. K. Godfrey 69254
Date:12 Nov 1969
Accession No:88592

Family Name:Apiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Oxypolis ternata (Nutt.) A. Heller - Determined By: M. A. Feist, Apr 2012
Determination History: Oxypolis ternata (Nutt.) A. Heller - Determined By: D. B. Ward
Locality:USA. Florida. Franklin Co.: W of FL 379, 12 mi. S of Liberty County line, 0.6 mi. S of road to Wright Recreation Area. T7S, R7W, Sec. 19. 30º 49’ 13” N -86º -12’ -48” W
Description:Frequent; roots enlarged to form whorls of tubers; petals pale yellow. 
Habitat:Sandy loam in undisturbed (but burned) open grassy slash pine [Pinus elliottii] flatwoods.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:D. B. Ward 3652
  with E.S. Ford
Date:09 Nov 1963
Accession No:60357

Family Name:Apiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Oxypolis ternata (Nutt.) A. Heller - Determined By: M. A. Feist, Apr 2012
Determination History: Oxypolis ternata (Nutt.) A. Heller
Locality:USA. Florida. Liberty Co.: Apalachicola National Forest. W of FL 379, generally NW of Sumatra. T4S, R8W, Sec. 29, SW¼. 29º 43’ 32” N -84º -58’ -59” W
Habitat:Boggy savanna; some associates: Juncus trigonocarpus, Aristida stricta, Arnoglossum ovatum, Coreopsis floridana, C. linifolia, Aster [Symphyotrichum] chapmanii, Carphephorus pseudoliatris, Andropogon liebmanii var. pungensis; site control-burned summer 1987.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:R. K. Godfrey 82634
  with A. Gholson, W. Baker
Date:14 Nov 1987
Accession No:196366

Family Name:Apiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Oxypolis ternata (Nutt.) A. Heller - Determined By: M. A. Feist, Apr 2012
Determination History: Oxypolis ternata (Nutt.) A. Heller
Locality:USA. Florida. Liberty Co.: Apalachicola National Forest. S of Forest Service Road 123, ca. 0.3 mi. W of its junction with FL 379, NW of Rowletts Creek, ca. 2.3 air mi. NW of the junction of FL 379 and FL 65 in Sumatra. T5S, R8W, Sec. 10, SW¼ of SW¼ of NE¼. 30º 3’ 32” N 85º 1’ 34” W
Habitat:Seepage slope ecotone below mesic longleaf pine [Pinus palusris] savanna. Soils - Bladen (Typic Albaquults).
Reproductive State:Fertile
Elevation:30 to 35 ft
Collector:S. L. Orzell 18929
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:03 Nov 1991
Accession No:222798

Family Name:Apiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Oxypolis ternata (Nutt.) A. Heller - Determined By: M. A. Feist, Apr 2012
Determination History: Oxypolis ternata (Nutt.) A. Heller
Locality:USA. Florida. Franklin Co.: Apalachicola National Forest. S side of Forest Service Road 143, 0.4 mi. E of its intersection with Forest Service Road 143-B and 0.9 mi. E of FL 65, ca. 7 mi. S of Sumatra. T6S, R7W, Sec. 32, NW¼. 29º 54’ 50” N 84º 57’ 47” W
Habitat:Seepage slope on gentle lower slope in wetland longleaf pine [Pinus palustris] savanna; associates include Bigelowia nudata, Coreopsis floridana, Ctenium aromaticum, Eriocaulon decangulare, and Zigadenus glaberrimus; soils - Plummer (Grossarenic Paleaquults).
Reproductive State:Flower
Elevation:19 ft
Collector:S. L. Orzell 15692
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:28 Oct 1990
Accession No:210961

Family Name:Apiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Oxypolis ternata (Nutt.) A. Heller
Locality:USA. South Carolina. Georgetown Co.: On N side of Ports Creek, ca. 1.0 mi. S of US 521 at Graves, ca. 4.7 mi. W of downtown Georgetown; Friendsfield Plantation; Georgetown North 7.5' Quadrant. 33º 22’ 48” N 79º 22’ 12” W
Description:Specimen vegetative. 
Habitat:Low-relief seepage slope between wetland pine savanna and brackish marsh in large cut-line.
Collector:S. L. Orzell 25042B
  with E. L. Bridges
Date:13 Jul 1996
Accession No:268293

Family Name:Apiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Oxypolis ternata (Nutt.) A. Heller
Locality:USA. Georgia. Turner Co.: On N side of paved road; connecting US 41 and GA 33, ca. 2.5 mi. NW of US 41 at a point ca. 1.0 mi. N of center of Ashburn; 7.5' quadrant. 31º 43’ 54” N 83º 42’ 9” W
Habitat:Hillside seepage bogs above small impoundment.
Reproductive State:Bud
Collector:E. L. Bridges 18382
  with S. L. Orzell
Date:12 Oct 1991
Accession No:226148

Family Name:Apiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Oxypolis ternata (Nutt.) A. Heller
Locality:USA. South Carolina. Chesterfield Co.: Cheraw State Park S of Cheraw.
Habitat:Peat-sedge bog.
Reproductive State:Bud
Collector:A. E. Radford 18633
Date:29 Sep 1956
Accession No:15800

Family Name:Apiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Oxypolis ternata (Nutt.) A. Heller
Locality:USA. South Carolina. Chesterfield Co.: Cheraw State Park.
Habitat:In sphagnum at edge of lake.
Reproductive State:Bud
Collector:C. R. Bell 5199
Date:10 Oct 1956
Accession No:56711

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