Selected Herbarium Specimen Details (11) Download

Family Name:Potamogetonaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Potamogeton epihydrus Raf. - Determined By: R. R. Haynes, 2000
Determination History: Potamogeton epihydrus Raf. var. ramosus (Peck) House - Determined By: E. C. Ogden, 1973
Potamogeton epihydrus Raf.
Locality:USA. North Carolina. Macon Co.: Mirror Lake, NC 1546; N of Highlands.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:J. R. Bozeman 7781
  with N.L. Pence, B.L. King
Date:24 Aug 1966
Accession No:78316

Family Name:Potamogetonaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Potamogeton epihydrus Raf. - Determined By: R. R. Haynes, 2000
Determination History: Potamogeton epihydrus Raf.
Locality:USA. South Carolina. Chesterfield Co.: Black Creek; 6 mi. S of Ruby.
Habitat:Swamp forest.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:A. E. Radford 15826
Date:11 Aug 1956
Accession No:14756

Family Name:Potamogetonaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Potamogeton epihydrus Raf.
Locality:Canada. Quebec Prov. Gatineau River; Ramsey's Crossing. 45º 28’ 59” N -75º -39’ 0” W
Collector:I. L. Bayly s.n.
Date:01 Aug 1968
Accession No:133301

Family Name:Potamogetonaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Potamogeton epihydrus Raf.
Locality:USA. New York. Erie Co.: In Ellicott Creek at end of logging road N of sewer main right-of-way ca. 0.4 mi. E of N end of Meadow Drive, Alden. 42º 44’ 4” N -78º -43’ -53” W
Reproductive State:Fertile
Notes:Common Name: Floating Pondweed.
Collector:D. D. Taylor 7847
  with R. Ward
Date:22 Aug 1984
Accession No:218616

Family Name:Potamogetonaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Potamogeton epihydrus Raf.
Locality:USA. Michigan. Ontonogen Co.: Along route 64, ca. 10 mi. N of Newberry. 46º 21’ 17” N -85º -30’ -34” W
Habitat:Small roadside pond.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:V. E. McNeilus 97-3 P
Date:28 Jul 1997
Accession No:261452

Family Name:Potamogetonaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Potamogeton epihydrus Raf. - Determined By: S. R. Hill, 2000
Locality:USA. Oregon. Lincoln Co.: At "Lost Prairie", ca. 6 mi. SE of Rose Lodge, just W of Forest Service Road 210; S of OR 18 and Salmon River. T7S, R9W, Sec. 2. 44º 57’ N 123º 49’ W
Description:Locally common aquatic herb; leaves and fruits floating. 
Habitat:Open water channel 0.5-1 m deep towards middle of sphagnum bog dominated by Carex spp., Sanguisorba, Gaultheria shallon, Gentiana, Hypericum, surrounded by montane conifer forest, Rhododendron, Thuja, Tsuga, Alnus; Sphagnum peat surrounded by rocky basaltic ridges, open water has been tested at pH 5.3.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:S. R. Hill 32788
  with B.E. Dutton
Date:03 Aug 2000
Accession No:227438

Family Name:Potamogetonaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Potamogeton epihydrus Raf.
Locality:USA. New York. Albany Co.: On Partridge Run hunting area, 4 mi. NW of Rensselaerville. 42º 30’ 54” N -74º -8’ -3” W
Description:8-12 in. deep. 
Habitat:Rooted in mud; old beaver pond.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Elevation:2000 ft
Collector:N. H. Russell 815415
Date:01 Aug 1954
Accession No:51636

Family Name:Potamogetonaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Potamogeton epihydrus Raf. - Determined By: C. vanHoek, 2020
Determination History: Potamogeton epihydrus Raf.
Locality:USA. Rhode Island. Washington Co.: Chepuxet River, West Kingston. 41º 28’ 49” N -71º -31’ -21” W
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:M. L. Gilbert 219A
Date:01 Jul 1968
Accession No:301989

Family Name:Potamogetonaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Potamogeton epihydrus Raf. - Determined By: C. vanHoek, 2020
Determination History: Potamogeton epihydrus Raf.
Locality:USA. Rhode Island. Washington Co.: Chepuxet River, West Kingston. 41º 28’ 49” N -71º -31’ -21” W
Collector:M. L. Gilbert 219
Date:01 Jul 1968
Accession No:301986

Family Name:Potamogetonaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Potamogeton epihydrus Raf. - Determined By: C. vanHoek, 2020
Locality:USA. Rhode Island. Washington Co.: Chepuxet River from Larkin's Pond; trestles.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:M. L. Gilbert 502
Date:20 Jul 1968
Accession No:301987

Family Name:Potamogetonaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Potamogeton epihydrus Raf. - Determined By: C. vanHoek, 2020
Locality:USA. Rhode Island. Washington Co.: Chepuxet River from Larkin's Pond; trestles.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:M. L. Gilbert 502A
Date:20 Jul 1968
Accession No:301988

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