Selected Herbarium Specimen Details (7) Download

Family Name:Poaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Festuca bromoides L. - Determined By: L. C. Noel, 07-Jan-2018
Determination History: Vulpia bromoides (L.) Gray - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1981
Vulpia bromoides (L.) Gray - Determined By: R. I. Lonard
Festuca dertonensis (All.) Asch. & P. Graebn. - Determined By: Robert Kral
Locality:USA. Florida. Leon Co.: 5 mi. N of Tallhassee.
Habitat:Fallow field.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:R. K. Godfrey 54419
  with R. Kral
Date:14 Mar 1957
Accession No:252033

Family Name:Poaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Festuca bromoides L. - Determined By: L. C. Noel, 07-Jan-2018
Determination History: Vulpia bromoides (L.) Gray - Determined By: R. I. Lonard
Vulpia bromoides (L.) Gray - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1981
Festuca octoflora Walter
Locality:USA. Georgia. Walton Co.: Loganville.
Habitat:Open wood slope near granite outcropping.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:G. R. Cooley 1436
Date:15 Apr 1952
Accession No:6227

Family Name:Poaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Festuca bromoides L. - Determined By: L. C. Noel, 07-Jan-2018
Determination History: Vulpia bromoides (L.) Gray - Determined By: N. A. Harriman, 1983
Locality:USA. Kentucky. Jackson Co.: Along border of Owsley Fork Reservoir in Radford Hollow, Berea College Forest, ca. 2.0 mi. E of Bighill on KY 21.
Habitat:Small wooded area between lake and road; associated with Trifolium repens, Oxalis dillenii, Pinus virginiana, Vaccinium stamineum.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:D. D. Taylor 3528
Date:24 May 1983
Accession No:218371

Family Name:Poaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Festuca bromoides L. - Determined By: L. C. Noel, 07-Jan-2018
Determination History: Vulpia bromoides (L.) Gray - Determined By: R. I. Lonard
Vulpia bromoides (L.) Gray - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1981
Festuca dertonensis (All.) Asch. & P. Graebn. - Determined By: J. R. Swallen, Apr 1959
Locality:USA. Alabama. Greene Co.: S of Eutaw.
Description:Frequent and abundant. 
Habitat:Open woods.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:G. R. Cooley 3623
  with L. J. Brass
Date:20 Apr 1955
Accession No:7870

Family Name:Poaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Festuca bromoides L. - Determined By: L. C. Noel, 07-Jan-2018
Determination History: Vulpia bromoides (L.) Gray
Locality:USA. Texas. Guadeloupe Dept.: Seguin; 1.5 mi. S of I-10; at junction of TX 123 and US 90. 29º 34’ 7” N -97º -57’ -53” W
Reproductive State:Fertile
Elevation:480 ft
Collector:R. P. Sauleda 8068
  with D.K. Sauleda
Date:14 Apr 1983
Accession No:176889

Family Name:Poaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Festuca bromoides L. - Determined By: L. C. Noel, 07-Jan-2018
Determination History: Vulpia bromoides (L.) Gray
Festuca dertonensis (All.) Asch. & Graebn.
Locality:USA. California. Tuolumne Co.: S facing slope; junction of CA 108 and Spring Gap Road; E of Long Barn.
Description:Common; spikelets spreading-ascending. 
Habitat:With Bromus tectorum, B. communatus, annual forbs.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:I. L. Wiggins 20744
Date:16 Jun 1967
Accession No:103816

Family Name:Poaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Festuca bromoides L. - Determined By: L. C. Noel, 07-Jan-2018
Determination History: Vulpia bromoides (L.) Gray
Locality:USA. California. Los Angeles Co.: Mojave Desert; W of Palmdale; N of Elizabeth Lake near N end of Munz Ranch Road. 34º 34’ 45” N -118º -6’ -59” W
Description:Common annual. 
Habitat:With Poa nevadensis, Lupinus, Lasthenia, Bromus rubens.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:G. B. Wallace 1680
Date:19 Apr 1979
Accession No:189501

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