Selected Herbarium Specimen Details (11) Download

Family Name:Solanaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Browallia americana L.
Locality:USA. Florida. Miami-Dade Co.: Residence of Roger and Lisa Hammer, 17360 Avocado Drive, Homestead. 25º 28’ 7” N -80º -28’ -39” W
Description:Weed; was cultivated here but has since recruited from seed in many places in the yard and is apparently established. 
Reproductive State:Flower, Fruit
Collector:K. A. Bradley 1598
Date:31 Mar 1998
Accession No:223348

Family Name:Solanaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Browallia americana L. - Determined By: M. Nee, 1993
Locality:Puerto Rico. Las Marías Mun.: Bo. Naranjales, along highway 106, near old and new bridges over Río Cañas. 18º 12’ 30” N 67º 2’ W
Description:Herbs to 1 m tall; corolla violet-blue with white eye; plants often fallen over and rooting at the nodes even if not quite in contact with the soil. 
Habitat:Steep slopes, roadsides, coffee plantations; little-used trail.
Reproductive State:Flower
Elevation:365 m
Collector:M. Nee 44091
Date:31 Oct 1993
Accession No:209113

Family Name:Solanaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Browallia americana L.
Locality:Ecuador. Los Ríos Prov. Rio Palenque Science Center; km 56 on the Quevedo-Santo Domingo Road. -1º -26’ -16” S -79º -45’ -21” W
Description:Terrestrial herb to 20 cm; calyx green, corolla deep blue, yellow and white in throat. 
Habitat:Palm plantation, growing as an epiphyte on the oil palm (Elaeis guineensis).
Reproductive State:Flower
Elevation:150 to 220 m
Collector:J. B. Watson 176
Date:31 Jan 1980
Accession No:150217

Family Name:Solanaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Browallia americana L.
Locality:Panama. Chiriquí Prov. Off road from Volcan to Costa Rica border. 8º 46’ 22” N -82º -38’ -17” W
Description:Flowers blue-purple with white on upper lip. 
Habitat:In full shade in coffee plantation.
Reproductive State:Flower
Elevation:1300 m
Collector:J. E. Poppleton s.n.
Date:27 Jan 1974
Accession No:154684

Family Name:Solanaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Browallia americana L. - Determined By: B. A. Stein, 1985
Locality:Peru. Junín. Chanchamayo Prov.: Río Tulumayo Valley, road from San Ramón to Vitoc and Chilpes. 11º 15’ S 75º 15’ W
Description:Herb to 1 m tall; flowers purple-blue; throat white. 
Habitat:Disturbed roadside.
Reproductive State:Flower
Elevation:1000 to 1250 m
Collector:B. A. Stein 2359
  with C. Todzia
Date:09 Mar 1985
Accession No:193453

Family Name:Solanaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Browallia americana L.
Locality:Costa Rica. San José Prov. At Singing River Campground outside of Cartago. 9º 49’ 59” N -83º -45’ 0” W
Description:Flowers lavender. 
Habitat:Shade; growing along stream.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:J. E. Poppleton s.n.
Date:16 Jan 1974
Accession No:154727

Family Name:Solanaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Browallia americana L. - Determined By: G. S. Visconti, 1977
Locality:Mexico. Veracruz. Route 131 ca. 25 km N of Fortin de las Flores. 17º 49’ 0” N -95º -54’ -21” W
Habitat:River bank and moist rocky slopes.
Reproductive State:Flower
Elevation:4500 ft
Collector:R. W. Long 3236
  with D. Burch
Date:25 Mar 1970
Accession No:130881

Family Name:Solanaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Browallia americana L. - Determined By: W. G. D'arcy, 1985
Locality:Venezuela. Portuguesa. Entre La Estación y La Laguna, 15-18 kms NNW de Ospino. 9º 25’ N 69º 30’ W
Habitat:Bordering coffee plantation; bosque transicional.
Reproductive State:Flower
Elevation:700 to 800 m
Collector:J. A. Steyermark 126917
  with R. Liesner & G. Aymard
Date:01 Nov 1982
Accession No:193315

Family Name:Solanaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Browallia americana L.
Locality:Honduras. Francisco Morazán Dept. Alrededores de La Montañita, Aldea de Suyapa. 13º 34’ 1” N -87º -21’ -7” W
Description:Hierba flor azul. 
Habitat:Bosque seco subtropical.
Reproductive State:Flower
Elevation:950 m
Collector:E. J. Paredes 193
Date:23 May 1984
Accession No:194540

Family Name:Solanaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Browallia americana L. - Determined By: G. Fleming
Locality:Honduras. Grounds of Escuela Agricola Panamericana, Zamorana. 14º 3’ 0” N -87º -13’ 0” W
Description:Erect to 6 dm, flowers purple. 
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:D. Burch 5431
Date:13 Nov 1971
Accession No:101172

Family Name:Solanaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Browallia americana L. - Determined By: W. G. D'arcy, 1970
Locality:Panama. Chiriquí Prov. TTC-BMI cloud forest litter study; Cerro Horqueta. 8º 48’ 26” N -82º -27’ -13” W
Description:Common herb; flowers blue. 
Habitat:Along trail.
Reproductive State:Flower
Elevation:1500 m
Collector:A. Duke 13611
  with Correa, Gallegos, & Woods
Date:02 Aug 1967
Accession No:100701

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