Selected Herbarium Specimen Details (7) Download

Family Name:Plantaginaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Veronica hederifolia L. - Determined By: S. R. Hill, Sep 1989
Locality:USA. Maryland. Washington Co.: Mountain Rock Road, Dargan, near lockkeeper's house and C&O Canal.
Description:Locally common low annual herb (trailing); flowers pale-purple. 
Habitat:Limestone talus and bluffs; Dicentra, Trillium, Acer.
Reproductive State:Flower, Bud
Collector:S. R. Hill 20478
Date:16 Apr 1989
Accession No:204398

Family Name:Plantaginaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Veronica hederifolia L.
Locality:USA. South Carolina. Orangeburg Co.: Of SC 39 at N Fork Edisto River, 4 mi. W of Rowesville.
Description:Abundant in mats. 
Habitat:With Poa annua and Stachys floridana; roadside.
Reproductive State:Flower, Bud
Collector:J. B. Nelson 10,055
  with L. Bell, C. Paige and J. White
Date:12 Feb 1991
Accession No:205078

Family Name:Plantaginaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Veronica hederifolia L.
Locality:USA. Georgia. Clarke Co.: 3 mi. E of Athens.
Description:Corolla pale lavender. 
Habitat:Quickly deciduous.
Reproductive State:Bud, Flower
Collector:W. H. Duncan 23740
Date:27 Apr 1972
Accession No:296754

Family Name:Plantaginaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Veronica hederifolia L.
Locality:USA. North Carolina. Orange Co.: University of North Carolina Campus, Chapel Hill.
Description:Lawn weed. 
Reproductive State:Flower, Bud
Collector:H. E. Ahles 53168
Date:01 Apr 1960
Accession No:46033

Family Name:Plantaginaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Veronica hederifolia L. - Determined By: C. R. Bell
Locality:USA. South Carolina. Cherokee Co.: 3.2 mi. N-NW of junction SC 150 and US 29 on SC 150 (N of Gaffney).
Habitat:Cultivated field.
Reproductive State:Flower, Bud
Collector:H. E. Ahles 22719
  with J.G. Haesloop
Date:13 Apr 1957
Accession No:37369

Family Name:Plantaginaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Veronica hederifolia L.
Locality:USA. Florida. Escambia Co.: Just N of commercial building at 2400 Pace Boulevard, Pensacola. 30º 26’ 14” N 87º 14’ 23” W
Habitat:Vacant lot; with Lamium amplexicaule, Tradescantia ohiensis, Vicia sativa, Rubus trivialis, Stachys floridana, Plantago lanceolata, Stellaria media, Narcissus tazetta, and Poa annua.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:J. R. Burkhalter 23081
Date:20 Feb 2011
Accession No:298763

Family Name:Plantaginaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Veronica hederifolia L.
Locality:USA. South Carolina. Bamberg Co.: N side of US 78 at the junction of North Street and Railroad Avenue, downtown Bamberg. 33º 23’ 48” N 81º 1’ 58” W
Description:Very abundant young planys and seedlings, patchy and near more robust, sprawling older plants. 
Habitat:Weedy, grassy ground on sandyh roadside berm.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:J. B. Nelson 40054
Date:24 Feb 2019
Accession No:301127

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