Selected Herbarium Specimen Details (5) Download

Family Name:Poaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Eustachys retusa (Lag.) Kunth
Locality:USA. Florida. Hernando Co.: Median of C-76 in front of Townsend Park, ca. 5 mi. E of US 41. T21S, R20E, Sec. 23. 30º 7’ 0” N -83º -19’ -59” W
Description:Spikelets with long hairs. 
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:S. Taylor s.n.
Date:21 Oct 2001
Accession No:231273

Family Name:Poaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Eustachys retusa (Lag.) Kunth
Locality:USA. South Carolina. Lexington Co.: Along S side of US 1 in West Columbia; ca. 1 mi. E of junction with I-26, just W of 17th Street.
Description:Abundant; spikelets tawny, culms to 0.75 meters tall. 
Habitat:In vacant lot.
Collector:C. Aulbach-Smith 4184
  with S. Hutto
Date:12 Sep 1986
Accession No:205155

Family Name:Poaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Eustachys retusa (Lag.) Kunth - Determined By: C. Aulbach-Smith, 1980
Determination History: Chloris argentina (Hack.) Lillo & Parodi
Locality:USA. South Carolina. Kershaw Co.: On Hardy property, W of SC 47, 1 mi NW of junction with I-20.
Description:Very abundant. 
Habitat:Sandy open areas.
Collector:C. Aulbach-Smith 693
Date:28 Aug 1976
Accession No:125181

Family Name:Poaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Eustachys retusa (Lag.) Kunth
Locality:USA. Florida. Santa Rosa Co.: Intersection of US 90 and Leonard Burnes Road, 1.5 mi. W of the Okaloosa County line. 30º 41’ 35” N 86º 48’ 33” W
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:R. Mears s.n.
Date:12 Jun 2017
Accession No:294752

Family Name:Poaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Eustachys retusa (Lag.) Kunth
Locality:USA. Florida. Okaloosa Co.: NW corner of Leonard Burnes Road and US 90, between US 90 and the railroad tracks; 10.8 mi. NE on US 90 from its junction with FL 87, NE of Milton. 27º 55’ 55” N -82º -13’ -49” W
Habitat:Open disturbed roadside; with Paspalum notatum, Cynodon dactylon, Aristida, Eragrostis, Richardia brasiliensis, Senna, Rubus, Ipomoea; soils Lakeland-Troup-Alpin Association (acidic sands).
Reproductive State:Fertile
Elevation:200 ft
Collector:J. K. Wipff 2108
  with S.D. Jones
Date:12 Jul 1991
Accession No:300857

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