Selected Herbarium Specimen Details (1) Download

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Eleocharis equisetoides (Elliott) Torr.
Locality:USA. Florida. Duval Co.: Sawmill Slough Preserve. University of North Florida, Jacksonville. 30º 16’ 40” N 81º 31’ 1” W
Description:Uncommon; tufted perennial to 35 cm tall from rhizomes; culm is hollow with nodules and complete transverse septae; distal leaf sheats persistent, papery with acute apex; spike brown, not thicker than culm; achene yellow to brown with finely toothed perianth bristles that are shorter than achene body. 
Habitat:Wetland edge in a shallow depression of a prairie; with Xyris sp., Eriocaulon decangulare, Fuirene pumila, Cyperus sp., Ludwigia sp., and Drosera brevifolia.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Elevation:39 ft
Collector:J. McGregor 2
Date:Jul 2011
Accession No:261237

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