Selected Herbarium Specimen Details (1) Download

Family Name:Menispermaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Abuta rufescens Aubl. - Determined By: R. C. Barneby, 1985
Determination History: Abuta sp.
Locality:Venezuela. Merida. Tovar Mun.: Los Giros near El Osa, ca. 5 km from previous location. 8º 27’ N 77º 44’ W
Description:Woody liana in tree crown, fruit green, edible when ripe, leaves white beneath; wood sample. 
Habitat:Forest evergreen, rather dry-no epiphytes, few species of terrestrial ferns; very dry mold layer, many palms and emergents to 30 m tall; few plants flowering.
Reproductive State:Fruit
Elevation:700 m
Collector:H. van der Werff 5708
  with R. Ortíz
Date:26 Jul 1983
Accession No:191043

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