Myrcia neopallens

Species:Myrcia neopallens A.R.Lourenço & E.Lucas
Plant Notes:Species of Calyptranthes were recently moved to the genus Myrcia (Lourenço et al. 2018). Though the two species of Myrcia sect. Calyptranthes are clearly distinct in Florida, Burton et al. (2022) advocated treating the two as varieties of one species (M. chytraculia), with M. neopallens as a synonym of Myrcia chytraculia var. pauciflora. If treated as a species in the genus Myrcia, the appropriate species name for Calyptranthes pallens may be Myrcia aromatica based on the synonymy in Burton (et al. 2022) or in a narrower species concept a combination based on Calyptranthes williamsii.
Status:Native, Threatened-State
Specimen: View details of USF Herbarium specimens

** Not applicable or data not available.


Sub Class
Genus Myrcia
Species Myrcia neopallens A.R.Lourenço & E.Lucas - PALE LIDFLOWER; SPICEWOOD


Citation MYRCIA NEOPALLENS A. R. Lourenço & E. Lucas, in A. R. Lourenço et al., Phytotaxa 373: 79. 2018.
Basionym: Calyptranthes chytraculia (Linnaeus) Swartz, var. pauciflora O. Berg 1855.
Type: GUADELOUPE: Without data, Bertero s.n. (holotype: MEL).

** Not applicable or data not available.


CountyHerbariaLiterature Citation (If Applicable)
Miami-Dade USF  
Monroe Keys USF  


– Denotes synonyms that are applicable to the state. Show these synonyms only

SynonymFull CitationBasionymType
Calyptranthes chytraculia var. pauciflora Calyptranthes chytraculia (Linnaeus) Swartz, var. pauciflora O. Berg, Linnaea 27: 27. 1855 ("1854"). TYPE: GUADELOUPE: Without data, Bertero s.n. (holotype: MEL).
Calyptranthes pallens Calyptranthes pallens Grisebach, Abh. Königl. Ges. Wiss. Göttingen 7: 215. 1857.BASIONYM: Calyptranthes chytraculia (Linnaeus) Swartz, var. pauciflora O. Berg 1855. 
Chytraculia chytraculia var. pauciflora Chytraculia chytraculia (Linnaeus) Sudworth, var. pauciflora (O. Berg) Sudworth, U.S.D.A. Div. Forest. Bull. 14: 305. 1897.BASIONYM: Calyptranthes chytraculia (Linnaeus) Swartz, var. pauciflora O. Berg 1855. 
Chytraculia pallens Chytraculia pallens (Grisebach) Britton, in Shattuck, Bahama Isl. 260. 1905.BASIONYM: Calyptranthes pallens Grisebach 1857; Calyptranthes chytraculia (Linnaeus) Swartz, var. pauciflora O. Berg 1855. 
Chytraculia pauciflora Chytraculia pauciflora (O. Berg) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 238. 1891, nom. illegit.BASIONYM: Calyptranthes pallens Grisebach 1857; Calyptranthes chytraculia (Linnaeus) Swartz, var. pauciflora O. Berg 1855. 
Myrcia chytraculia var. pauciflora Myrcia chytraculia (Linnaeus) A. R. Lourenço & E. Lucas, var. pauciflora (O. Berg) G. P. Burton & E. Lucas, Syst. Bot. 46: 1023. 2021.BASIONYM: Myrcia neopallens A. R. Lourenço & E. Lucas 2018; Calyptranthes pallens Grisebach 1857; Calyptranthes chytraculia (Linnaeus) Swartz, var. pauciflora O. Berg 1855. 
Calyptranthes mexicana Calyptranthes mexicana Lundell, Wrightia 2: 166. 1961. TYPE: MEXICO: Chiapas: Mount Ovando, near Escuintla, 9 Apr 1937, Matuda 1838 (holotype: LL; isotype: MO).
Calyptranthes pallens var. mexicana Calyptranthes pallens Grisebach, var. mexicana (Lundell) McVaugh, Fieldiana, Bot. 4: 409. 1963.BASIONYM: Calyptranthes mexicana Lundell 1961. 
Calyptranthes pallens var. williamsii Calyptranthes pallens Grisebach, var. williamsii (Standley) McVaugh, Fieldiana, Bot. 29: 408. 1963.BASIONYM: Calyptranthes williamsii Standley 1950. 
Calyptranthes williamsii Calyptranthes williamsii Standley, Ceiba 1: 156. 1950. TYPE: COSTA RICA: Cartago: Alto de Ochomogo, 7 Mar 1948, Williams & Molina 13841 (holotype: US; isotype: F).
Eugenia pallens Eugenia pallens Poiret, in Lamarck, Encycl., Suppl. 3: 122. 1813. TYPE: VIRGIN ISLANDS: St. Thomas: Without data, Ledru s.n. (holotype: P).


Country State County Date Specimen Notes Image
USA Florida Miami-Dade Co. 09 Apr 1970 H. Andorfer 6
USA Florida Monroe Co. 17 Dec 1974 J. E. Poppleton s.n.
USA Florida Miami-Dade Co. 26 Jun 1966 R. W. Long 1930
USA Florida Monroe Co. 17 May 1973 J. Carlton s.n. Sheet 1 of 2.
USA Florida Monroe Co. 17 May 1973 J. Carlton s.n. Sheet 2 of 2.
USA Florida Monroe Co. 25 Jun 1966 R. W. Long 1803
USA Florida Monroe Co. 25 Jun 1966 R. W. Long 1834
USA Florida Monroe Co. 24 Jun 1952 A. Wilson F-12a
USA Florida Miami-Dade Co. 13 Aug 1963 O. K. Lakela 26195
USA Florida Miami-Dade Co. 03 Jul 1895 A. H. Curtiss 5452
USA Florida Monroe Co. 30 May 1961 F. C. Craighead s.n.
USA Florida Monroe Co. 11 Oct 1981 W. C. Brumbach 9741
Jamaica Middlesex Co. St. Catherine Par. 06 Sep 1962 G. R. Proctor 22773
Jamaica Middlesex Co. St. Ann Par. 01 Jul 1955 R. A. Howard 14236
Bahamas Andros Island 06 Nov 1976 R. P. Sauleda 1276
Bahamas South Andros Island 02 May 1979 R. P. Sauleda 2417
Cayman Islands Grand Cayman Island 17 Aug 1971 N. Chevalier 73
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