Viola affinis var. langloisii
| Viola affinis Leconte, var. langloisii (Greene) Griscom, Rhodora 38: 49. 1936. | BASIONYM: Viola langloisii Greene 1896. | |
Viola alachuana
| Viola alachuana Murrill, Quart. J. Florida Acad. Sci. 12: 61. 1950. | | TYPE: FLORIDA: Alachua Co.: Gainesville, 30 Apr 1940, Murrill s.n. (lectotype: NY; isotype: FLAS). Lectotypified by L. E. McKinney, Sida Misc. 7: 36. 1992. |
Viola cucullata var. sororia
| Viola cucullata Aiton, var. sororia (Willdenow) Torrey & A. Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 137. 1838. | BASIONYM: Viola sororia Willdenow 1806. | |
Viola floridana
| Viola floridana Brainerd, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 35: 524. 1910. | | TYPE: FLORIDA: Duval Co.: Jacksonville, 22 Mar 1907, Brainerd 60 (lectotype: NY; isolectotypes: GH, K, NO, PH). Lectotypified by H. E. Ballard et al., in Weakley et al., J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 14: 221. 2020. |
Viola hirsutula
| Viola hirsutula Brainerd, Rhodora 9: 98. 1907. | | TYPE: NORTH CAROLINA: Polk Co.: Tryon, 14 Apr 1909, Brainerd 64 (neotype: GH; isoneotype: NO). Neotypified by H. E. Ballard et al., in Weakley et al., J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 14: 222. 2020. |
Viola langloisii
| Viola langloisii Greene, Pittonia 3: 87. 1896. | | TYPE: LOUISIANA: |
Viola missouriensis
| Viola missouriensis Greene, Pittonia 4: 141. 1900. | | TYPE: MISSOURI: Jackson Co.: Courtney, 30 Apr 1899, Bush 70 (holotype: NY; isotype: NY). |
Viola palmata subsp. sororia
| Viola palmata Linnaeus, subsp. sororia (Willdenow) W. Stone, Pl. S. New Jersey 567. 1912 ("1911"). | BASIONYM: Viola sororia Willdenow 1806. | |
Viola palmata var. sororia
| Viola palmata Linnaeus, var. sororia (Willdenow) Pollard, in Britton, Man. Fl. N. States 635. 1901. | BASIONYM: Viola sororia Willdenow 1806. | |
Viola papilionacea
| Viola papilionacea Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 173. 1814. | | TYPE: PENNSYLVANIA: Philadelphia Co.: Near Philadelphia, |
Viola sororia var. missouriensis
| Viola sororia Willdenow, var. missouriensis (Greene) L. E. McKinney, Sida Misc. 7: 42. 1992. | BASIONYM: Viola missouriensis Greene 1900. | |
Viola affinis forma albiflora
| Viola affinis Leconte, forma albiflora L. K. Henry, Castanea 18: 45. 1953. | | TYPE: PENNSYLVANIA: Butler Co.: Along Muddy Creek at Isle, 18 May 1950, |
Viola asarifolia
| Viola asarifolia Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 732. 1814. | | TYPE: "Virginia to Carolina", |
Viola candidula
| Viola candidula Nieuwland, Amer. Midl. Naturalist 3: 85, pl. 2-3. 1913. | | TYPE: MICHIGAN: Berrien Co.: Benton Harbor, May 1913, Nieuwland 11111 (holotype: ND). |
Viola champlainensis
| Viola champlainensis House, New York State Mus. Bull. 254: 504. 1924, pro hybr. | | TYPE: NEW YORK: |
Viola columbiana
| Viola columbiana House, New York State Mus. Bull. 254: 504. 1924, pro hybr. | | TYPE: DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: |
Viola communis
| Viola communis Pollard, Bot. Gaz. 26: 336. 1898. | | |
Viola consobrina
| Viola consobrina House, New York State Mus. Bull. 254: 503. 1924, pro hybr. | | TYPE: PENNSYLVANIA: |
Viola consona
| Viola consona House, New York State Mus. Bull. 254: 504. 1924, pro hybr. | | TYPE: NEW YORK: |
Viola cordifolia
| Viola cordifolia (Nuttall) Schweinitz, Amer. J. Sci. Arts 5: 62. 1822. | BASIONYM: Viola villosa Walter, var. cordifolia Nuttall 1818. | |
Viola crenulata
| Viola crenulata Greene, Pittonia 4: 295. 1901. | | TYPE: NEW YORK: Onandaga Co.: Near Syracuse, |
Viola cuspidata
| Viola cuspidata Greene, Pittonia 3: 314. 1898. | | TYPE: WISCONSIN: Rock Co.: |
Viola domestica
| Viola domestica E. P. Bicknell, in Britton & A. Brown, Ill. Fl. N. U.S. 3: 519. 1898. | | TYPE: NEW YORK: New York Co.: Fort Washington, 7 Jan 1897, Bicknell s.n. (lectotype: NY). Lectotypified by H. E. Ballard et al., in Weakley et al., J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 14: 220. 2020. |
Viola domestica var. communis
| Viola domestica E. P. Bicknell, var. communis (Pollard) Farwell, Pap. Michigan Acad. Sci. 2: 30. 1923. | BASIONYM: Viola communis Pollard 1898. | |
Viola dowelliana
| Viola dowelliana House, New York State Mus. Bull. 266: 25. 1925, pro hybr. | | TYPE: NEW YORK: |
Viola filecetorum
| Viola filecetorum Greene, Leafl. Bot. Observ. Crit. 1: 215. 1906. | | |
Viola fletcheri
| Viola fletcheri Greene, Pittonia 4: 296. 1901. | | TYPE: CANADA: Ontario: |
Viola illinoensis
| Viola illinoensis Greene, Pittonia 4: 293. 1901. | | TYPE: ILLINOIS: Piatt Co.: Along the Sangamon River near Monticello, |
Viola latiuscula
| Viola latiuscula Greene, Pittonia 5: 93. 1902. | | TYPE: VERMONT: Rutland Co.: West Rutland, Twin Mountain, 24 May 1902, Eggleston 2648, material designates as 'a' (lectotype: NDG; isolectotypes: CM(2 shts), GH, ILL, MIN, MU, NY(3 shts), PH(3 shts), RSA, S, VT(2 shts), YU), Lectotypified by H. E. Ballard et al., in Weakley et al., J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 14: 223. 2020. |
Viola lucidifolia
| Viola lucidifolia Newbro, Stud. Nat. Hist. Iowa Univ. 17: 56, pl. 4(3), pl. 8(24-25). 1936. | | TYPE: IOWA: |
Viola macounii
| Viola macounii Greene, Pittonia 3: 335. 1898. | | TYPE: CANADA: Ontario: Ottawa, |
Viola montivaga
| Viola montivaga House, New York State Mus. Bull. 254: 503. 1924, pro hybr. | | TYPE: VERMONT: |
Viola nesiotica
| Viola nesiotica Greene, Pittonia 5: 102. 1902. | | TYPE: CANADA: Prince Edward Island: |
Viola nodosa
| Viola nodosa Greene, Pittonia 4: 296. 1901. | | TYPE: NEW YORK: Onandaga Co.: Syracuse, 12 May 1901, House s.n. (holotype: ?) |
Viola novae-angliae
| Viola novae-angliae House, Rhodora 6: 226, pl. 59. 1904. | | TYPE: MAINE: Aroostook Co.: Valley of the St. Johns River, sandy shore of Fort Kent, 15 Jun 1898, Fernald 2245 (holotype: US; isotype: NY). |
Viola obliqua var. crenulata
| Viola obliqua Aiton, var. crenulata (Greene) Farwell, Amer. Midl. Naturalist 12: 68. 1930. | BASIONYM: Viola crenulata Greene 1901. | |
Viola palmata var. asarifolia
| Viola palmata Linnaeus, var. asarifolia (Pursh) House, Torreya 2: 68. 1902. | BASIONYM: Viola asarifolia Pursh 1814. | |
Viola papilionacea var. domestica
| Viola papilionacea Pursh, var. domestica (E. P. Bicknell) Pollard, in Britton, Man. Fl. N. States 636. 1901. | BASIONYM: Viola domestica E. P. Bicknell 1898. | |
Viola pratincola
| Viola pratincola Greene, Pittonia 4: 64. 1899. | | TYPE: MINNESOTA: Cottonwood Co.: Near Windom, 1 Jul 1898, Greene s.n. (lectotype: NDG; isolectotype: NDG). Lectotyipfied by H. E. Ballard et al., in Weakley et al., J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 14: 225. 2020.). |
Viola priceana
| Viola priceana Pollard, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 16: 127. 1903. | | TYPE: KENTUCKY: |
Viola rosacea
| Viola rosacea Brainerd, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 37: 525. 1910. | | TYPE: MISSISSIPPI: Harrison Co.: Biloxi, 19 Mar 1910, Brainerd s.n. (lectotype: NY; isolectotype: P). Lectotypified by H. E. Ballard et al., in Weakley et al., J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 14: 226. 2020. |
Viola septentrionalis
| Viola septentrionalis Greene, Pittonia 3: 334. 1898. | | TYPE: CANADA: Ontario: Ottawa, Billings Bush, 30 May 1898, Macoun 18761 (holotype: NDG). |
Viola septentrionalis forma alba
| Viola septentrionalis Greene, forma alba Victorin & J. Rousseau, Contr. Inst. Bot. Univ. Montreal 36: 20. 1940. | | TYPE: CANADA: Quebec: Terrebonne Co.: Rosemere, 23 Jun 1925, Marie- Victorin 21911 (holotype: MT). |
Viola septentrionalis var. grisea
| Viola septentrionalis Greene, var. grisea Fernald, Rhodora 37: 301, t. 375. 1935. | | TYPE: MICHIGAN: Schoolcraft Co.: Near Driggs, 2 Jul 1934, Fernald & Pease 3430 (holotype: GH). |
Viola sororia forma pallida
| Viola sororia Willdenow, forma pallida F. Seymour, Phytologia Mem. 5: 395, 602. 1982. | | TYPE: MASSACHUSETTS: Norfolk Co.: Wellesley, 14 May 1904, Purdie s.n. (holotype: GH). |
Viola sororia forma priceana
| Viola sororia Willdenow, forma priceana (Pollard) Cooperrider, Michigan Bot. 23: 167. 1984. | BASIONYM: Viola priceana Pollard 1903. | |
Viola sororia var. grisea
| Viola sororia Willdenow, var. grisea (Fernald) L. E. McKinney, in R. J. Little & L. E. McKinney, J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 4: 226. 2010. | BASIONYM: Viola septentrionalis Greene, var. grisea Fernald 1935. | |
Viola sororia var. novae-angliae
| Viola sororia Willdenow, var. novae-angliae (House) L. E. McKinney, Sida Misc. 7: 44. 1992. | BASIONYM: Viola novae-angliae House 1904. | |
Viola subjuncta
| Viola subjuncta Greene, Pittonia 5: 31. 1902. | | TYPE: WASHINGTON: |
Viola subviscosa
| Viola subviscosa Greene, Pittonia 4: 293. 1901. | | TYPE: CANADA: |
Viola thompsoniae
| Viola thompsoniae Chapman, Fl. South. U.S., ed. 3. 34. 1897. | | TYPE: GEORGIA: Lee Co.: Smithville, s.d., Thompson s.n. (holotype: NY). |
Viola vagula
| Viola vagula Greene, Pittonia 4: 67. 1899. | | TYPE: CANADA: Ontario: Ottawa district, |
Viola venustula
| Viola venustula Greene, Pittonia 3: 335. 1898. | | TYPE: CANADA: Ontario: Ottawa, |
Viola villosa var. cordifolia
| Viola villosa Walter, var. cordifolia Nuttall, Gen. N. Amer. Pl. 1: 147. 1818. | | TYPE: PENNSYLVANIA: |