Oenanthe carolinensis
| Oenanthe carolinensis Persoon, Syn. Pl. 1: 318. 1805, nom. illegit. | BASIONYM: Oenanthe filiformis Walter 1788. | |
Oenanthe filiformis
| Oenanthe filiformis Walter, Fl. Carol. 113. 1788. | | TYPE: SOUTH CAROLINA: Berkeley Co.: Along E side of SC 41, 2.3 mi. N of intersection with S-899, 17 Sep 1981, Porcher s.n. (neotype: BM; isoneotypes: CITA, DOV). Neotypified by Tucker et al., Syst. Bot. 8: 300. 1983. |
Oenanthe teretifolia
| Oenanthe teretifolia Muhlenberg, Cat. Pl. Amer. Sept. 32. 1813, nom. illegit. | BASIONYM: Oenanthe filiformis Walter 1788. | |
Oxypolis caroliniana
| Oxypolis caroliniana Rafinesque, Bull. Bot. (Geneva) 1: 218. 1830, nom. illegit. | BASIONYM: Oenanthe filiformis Walter 1788. | |
Oxypolis filiformis
| Oxypolis filiformis (Walter) Britton, Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 5: 239. 1894. | BASIONYM: Oenanthe filiformis Walter 1788. | |
Peucedanum teretifolium
| Peucedanum teretifolium A. W. Wood, Amer. Bot. Fl. 136. 1870, nom. illegit. | BASIONYM: Oenanthe teretifolia Muhlenberg 1813, nom. illegit.; Oenanthe filiformis Walter 1788. | |
Sium teretifolium
| Sium teretifolium Elliott, Sketch Bot. S. Carolina 1: 354. 1817, nom. illegit. | BASIONYM: Oenanthe filiformis Walter 1788. | |
Tiedemannia teretifolia
| Tiedemannia teretifolia de Candolle, Coll. Mém. 5: 51, 81. 1829, nom. illegit. | BASIONYM: Oenanthe teretifolia Muhlenberg 1813, nom. illegit.; Oenanthe filiformis Walter 1788. | |
Oxypolis bakeri
| Oxypolis bakeri (H. Wolff ex Urban) Britton & P. Wilson ex Britton, in Brace, Torreya 29: 16. 1929. | BASIONYM: Tiedemannia bakeri H. Wolff ex Urban 1908. | |
Tiedemannia bakeri
| Tiedemannia bakeri H. Wolff ex Urban, Symb. Antill. 5: 452. 1908. | | TYPE: CUBA: Habana: Near Batabano, Oct, Baker & Wilson 2215 (holotype: ?). |