Asemeia cumulicola
| Asemeia cumulicola (Small) Small, Man. S.E. Fl. 766, 1505. 1933. | BASIONYM: Polygala cumulicola Small 1924. | |
Asemeia grandiflora
| Asemeia grandiflora (Walter) Small, Man. S.E. Fl. 766, 1505. 1933. | BASIONYM: Polygala grandiflora Walter 1788. | |
Asemeia grandiflora var. angustifolia
| Asemeia grandiflora (Walter) Small, var. angustifolia Small, Man. S.E. Fl. 766. 1933. | BASIONYM: Polygala corallicola Small 1905. | |
Asemeia leiodes
| Asemeia leiodes (S. F. Blake) Small, Man. S.E. Fl. 767, 1505. 1933. | BASIONYM: Polygala grandiflora Walter, var. leiodes S. F. Blake 1924. | |
Asemeia miamiensis
| Asemeia miamiensis (Small ex S. F. Blake) Small, Man. S.E. Fl. 767, 1505. 1933. | BASIONYM: Polygala miamiensis Small ex S. F. Blake 1924. | |
Asemeia rosea
| Asemeia rosea (Michaux) Rafinesque, New Fl. 4: 88. 1838 ("1836"). | BASIONYM: Polygala senega Linnaeus, var. rosea Michaux 1803. | |
Polygala cinerea
| Polygala cinerea de Candolle, Prodr. 1: 330. 1824, nom. illegit. | BASIONYM: Polygala violacea Aublet 1775. | |
Polygala corallicola
| Polygala corallicola Small, Bull. New York Bot. Gard. 3: 425. 1905. | | TYPE: FLORIDA: Miami-Dade Co.: Miami, 27 Oct-13 Nov 1901, Small & Nash s.n. (lectotype: NY). Lectotypified by Nauman, Sida 9: 15. 1981. |
Polygala cumulicola
| Polygala cumulicola Small, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 51: 381. 1924. | | TYPE: FLORIDA: Miami-Dade Co.: Sand-dunes opposite Miami, 26-Nov-20 Dec 1913, Small & Small 4568 (holotype: NY; isotypes; FSU, MO, NY, TEX, US). |
Polygala flabellata
| Polygala flabellata Shuttleworth ex A. Gray, Smithsonian Contr. Knowl. 3(5): 41. 1852. | | TYPE: FLORIDA: Monroe Co.: Key West, Feb 1846, Rugel 37 (syntypes: BM, K(2 shts), P, US). |
Polygala grandiflora
| Polygala grandiflora Walter, Fl. Carol. 179. 1788. | | TYPE: NORTH CAROLINA: Carteret Co.: Ladies Island, Beaufort, 30 Apr 1917, Batchelder 4905 (neotype: GH; isoneotype: MO). Neotypified by D. B. Ward, J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 2: 482. 2008. |
Polygala grandiflora subsp. krugii
| Polygala grandiflora Walter, subsp. krugii (Chodat) Nauman, Sida 9: 17. 1981. | BASIONYM: Polygala krugii Chodat 1893. | |
Polygala grandiflora var. angustifolia
| Polygala grandiflora Walter, var. angustifolia Torrey & A. Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 671. 1840. | | TYPE: FLORIDA: Without data, Leavenworth s.n. (lectotype: NY). Lectotypified by Gillis, Phytologia 32: 39. 1975. |
Polygala grandiflora var. leiodes
| Polygala grandiflora Walter, var. leiodes S. F. Blake, in Britton, N. Amer. Fl. 25: 339. 1924. | | TYPE: FLORIDA: Lee Co.: Vicinity of Fort Myers, 19 Mar 1916, Standley 25 (holotype: US; isotypes: MO, NY). |
Polygala krugii
| Polygala krugii Chodat, Mém. Soc. Phys. Gèneve 31(2, 2): 63, t. 15(37-38). 1893. | | TYPE: BAHAMAS: New Providence: Without data, Eggers 4450 (holotype: B(destroyed); iostype: NY(fragm)). |
Polygala miamiensis
| Polygala miamiensis Small ex S. F. Blake, in Britton, N. Amer. Fl. 25: 340. 1924. | | TYPE: FLORIDA: Miami-Dade Co.: Everglades W of Miami, 1-9 Nov 1901, Small & Nash 289 (holotype: NY). |
Polygala senega var. rosea
| Polygala senega Linnaeus, var. rosea Michaux, Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2: 53. 1803. | | TYPE: "Carolina et Georgia", without data, Michaux s.n. (lectotype P). Lectotypified by J. F. B. Pastore & J. R. Abbott, Kew Bull. 67: 806. 2012. |
Polygala violacea
| Polygala violacea Aublet, Hist. Pl. Guiane 735, t. 294. 1775. | | TYPE: FRENCH GUIANA: Without data, Aublet s.n. (holotype: LINN-SM-1176.31). |
Asemeia extraaxillaris
| Asemeia extraaxillaris (Chodat) J. F. B. Pastore & J. R. Abbott, Kew Bull. 67: 805. 2012. | BASIONYM: Polygala extraaxillaris Chodat 1889. | |
Polygala ambigens
| Polygala ambigens S. F. Blake, in Britton, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 50: 40. 1923. | | TYPE: CUBA: Oriente: Sabana del Cerro, near Cerro Pelado, between Zarzal and Nagua, Jul 1922, León 10860 (holotype: US; isotypes: GH, HAC, NY). |
Polygala americana var. angustifolia
| Polygala americana Miller, var. angustifolia (Kunth) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 48. 1891. | BASIONYM: Polygala angustifolia Kunth 1823. | |
Polygala americana var. monticola
| Polygala americana Miller, var. monticola (Kunth) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 48. 1891. | BASIONYM: Polygala monticola Kunth 1823. | |
Polygala angustifolia
| Polygala angustifolia Kunth, in Humboldt et al., Nov. Gen. Sp. 5: 405. 1823. | | TYPE: VENEZUELA: Amazonas: Cariche, May, Humboldt & Bonpland 1157 (lectotype: P; isolectotype: B-W). Lectotypified by Marzues, Rodriguesia 31: 178. 1975. |
Polygala angustifolia var. linearifolia
| Polygala angustifolia Kunth, var. linearifolia Chodat, Mém. Soc. Phys. Gèneve 31(2, 2): 53. 1893. | | |
Polygala bahamensis
| Polygala bahamensis S. F. Blake, Contr. Gray Herb. 47: 64. 1916. | | TYPE: BAHAMAS: New Providence: 13.5 km (8.5 mi.) SW of Nassau, 12 Apr 1903, Wright 272 (holotype: GH). |
Polygala bahiensis
| Polygala bahiensis Chodat, Mém. Soc. Phys. Gèneve 31(2, 2): 49, t. 15(17). 1893. | | TYPE: BRAZIL: Without data, Salzmann s.n. (lectotype: W; isolectotypes: CGE, FI, G, K, P). Lectotpyified by J. F. B. Pastore & J. R. Abbott, Kew Bull. 67: 811. 2012. |
Polygala brizoides
| Polygala brizoides A. Saint-Hilaire & Moquin-Tandon, Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. 17: 321. 1828. | | TYPE: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Aldeia de São Pedro, s.d., Saint-Hilaire Cat. B2 77 (lectotype: P; isolectotypes: MPU, P). Lectotypified by J. F. B. Pastore & J. R. Abbott, Kew Bull. 67: 811. 2012. |
Polygala camporum
| Polygala camporum Bentham, J. Bot. (Hooker) 4: 100. 1842. | | TYPE: GUYANA: Without data, Schomburgk I 816 (lectotype: BM; isolectotypes: CGE, P, US). Lectotypifie by J. F. B. Pastore & J. R. Abbott, Kew Bull. 67: 811. 2012. |
Polygala collina
| Polygala collina Brandegee, Zoe 5: 204. 1905. | | TYPE: MEXICO: Sinaloa: Cerro Colorado, vicinity of Culiacán, 1 Nov 1904, Brandegee s.n. (holotype: UC; isotype: US). |
Polygala cubensis
| Polygala cubensis Chodat, Mém. Soc. Phys. Gèneve 31(2, 2): 62, t. 15(36). 1893. | | TYPE: CUBA: Holguín: "Savana Hato del Medio", 23 Aug 1860, Wright 112, pro parte (holotype: B(destroyed); lectotype: GH; isolectotypes: BM, GOET, US). Lectotypified by R. Rankin, in Greuter, Fl. Republ. Cuba 7: 39. 2003. |
Polygala extraaxillaris
| Polygala extraaxillaris Chodat, Mém. Soc. Phys. Gèneve 30(2, 8): 103, t. 28(1). 1889. | | TYPE: PARAGUAY: Cerro Pelado, 6 Apr 1883, Balansa 4716 (lectotype: P; isolectotypes: K, P). Lectotypified by J. F. B. Pastore & J. R. Abbott, Kew Bull. 67: 805. 2012. |
Polygala extraaxillaris forma humilis
| Polygala extraaxillaris Chodat, forma humilis Hicken, Darwiniana 1: 126. 1924. | | TYPE: ARGENTINA: Salta: Quebrada, Jan 1923, Vattuone 88 (holotype: SI). |
Polygala extraaxillaris var. concepcionis
| Polygala extraaxillaris Chodat, var. concepcionis Chodat, Bull. Herb. Boissier, ser. 2. 3: 57. 1902. | | TYPE: PARAGUAY: Concepción: Río Aquidabán, Oct 1901, Hassler 7652 (syntypes: K, MO, NY, P(2 shts), S). |
Polygala fallax
| Polygala fallax Chodat, Mém. Soc. Phys. Gèneve 30(2, 8): 104, t. 28(2). 1889, non Hemsley 1886. | | TYPE: PARAGUAY: Without locality, 29 Sep 1874, Balansa 2179 (syntypes: K, P). |
Polygala fallax forma angustifolia
| Polygala fallax Chodat, forma angustifolia Chodat, Bull. Herb. Boissier, ser. 2. 1: 434. 1901. | | TYPE: PARAGUAY: Curuguaty River, Sierra de Maracayú, Sep 1898, Hassler 4620 (syntypes: BM, G, GH, K, NY, P). |
Polygala grandiflora var. leptophylla
| Polygala grandiflora Walter, var. leptophylla Chodat, Mém. Soc. Phys. Gèneve 31(2, 2): 57. 1893. | | TYPE: CUBA: Without data, Wright 112, pro parte (holotype: B(destroyed); lectotype: GH). Lectotypified by R. Rankin, in Greuter, Fl. Republ. Cuba 7: 38. 2003. |
Polygala grandiflora var. orbicularis
| Polygala grandiflora Walter, var. orbicularis Chodat, Mém. Soc. Phys. Gèneve 31(2, 2): 57. 1893. | | TYPE: DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: |
Polygala grandiflora var. pubescens
| Polygala grandiflora Walter, var. pubescens Chodat, Mém. Soc. Phys. Gèneve 31(2, 2): 57. 1893, non A. Gray 1852. | BASIONYM: Polygala pubescens Muhlenberg ex Nuttall 1818, non Martius 1815. | |
Polygala huberiana
| Polygala huberiana Chodat, Bull. Herb. Boissier 3: 122. 1895. | | TYPE: COLOMBIA: Valle del Cauca: Alto de San Francisco, 22 Apr 1876, Andre 2884 (holotype: ?; isotype: K)> |
Polygala monticola
| Polygala monticola Kunth, in Humboldt et al., Nov. Gen. Sp. 5: 405. 1823. | | TYPE: VENEZUELA: Sucre: Mt. Turimiquire, Sep, Humboldt & Bonpland 308 (holotype: P; isotype: B-W). |
Polygala monticola var. brizoides
| Polygala monticola Kunth, var. brizoides (A. Saint-Hilaire & Moquin-Tandon) Steyermark, Fieldiana, Bot. 28: 300. 1952. | BASIONYM: Polygala brizoides A. Saint-Hilaire & Moquin-Tandon 1828. | |
Polygala monticola var. cuneata
| Polygala monticola Kunth, var. cuneata Chodat, Mém. Soc. Phys. Gèneve 31(2, 2): 71. 1893. | | |
Polygala muhlenbergii
| Polygala muhlenbergii G. Don, Gen. Hist. 1: 358. 1831. | BASIONYM: Polygala pubescens Muhlenberg ex Nuttall 1818, non Martius 1815. | |
Polygala nicaraguensis
| Polygala nicaraguensis Chodat, Mém. Soc. Phys. Gèneve 31(2, 2): 1893. | | TYPE: COSTA RICA/NICARAGUA: |
Polygala orobus
| Polygala orobus Chodat, Mém. Soc. Phys. Gèneve 31(2, 2): 51, t. 15(20-21). 1893. | | TYPE: BRAZIL: Without data, Salzmann s.n. (lectotype: G; isolectotypes: CGE, FI, K, P, W). Lectotpyified by J. F. B. Pastore & J. R. Abbott, Kew Bull. 67: 811. 2012. |
Polygala pubescens
| Polygala pubescens Muhlenberg ex Nuttall, Gen. N. Amer. Pl. 2: 87. 1818, non Martius 1815. | | TYPE: GEORGIA: Chatham Co.: Around Savannah, s.d., Nuttall s.n. (lectotype: PH 1072615, leftmost specimen). Lectotypified by Freire-Fierro & Landale, J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 5: 122. 2011. |
Polygala translucida
| Polygala translucida Chodat, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 52(Beibl. 115): 77. 1914. | | TYPE: PERU: |
Polygala wrightii
| Polygala wrightii Chodat, Mém. Soc. Phys. Gèneve 31(2, 2): 67, t. 16(8-9). 1893. | | TYPE: CUBA: Guantánamo: "prope villam Monte Verde dictam", Jan-Jul 1859, Wright 112 pro parte (holotype: B(destroyed); lectotype: GH; isolectotypes: GOET, K). Lectotypified by R. Rankin, in Greuter, Fl. Republ. Cuba 7: 38. 2003. |