Oxalis macrantha

Species:Oxalis macrantha (Trel.)Small
Specimen: View details of USF Herbarium specimens

** Not applicable or data not available.


Sub Class
Genus Oxalis
Species Oxalis macrantha (Trel.)Small - TUFTED YELLOW WOODSORREL


Citation OXALIS MACRANTHA (Trelease) Small, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 22: 268. 1896.
Basionym: Oxalis corniculata Linnaeus, var. macrantha Trelease 1888.
Type: ALABAMA: Without data, Hatch s.n. (lectotype: GH). Lectotypified by Lourteig, Phytologia 42: 80. 1979.

** Not applicable or data not available.


CountyHerbariaLiterature Citation (If Applicable)
Alachua USF  
Bay USF  
Franklin FSU  
Gadsden USF  
Jackson FLAS  
Liberty FLAS  
Okaloosa FSU  
Santa Rosa FLAS  
Walton FLAS  
Washington FLAS  


– Denotes synonyms that are applicable to the state. Show these synonyms only

SynonymFull CitationBasionymType
Oxalis brittoniae Oxalis brittoniae Small, in Britton, Man. Fl. N. States 577. 1901. TYPE: NEW YORK: Richmond Co.: Staten Island, Gifords, 19 May 1889, Britton s.n. (holotype: NY).
Oxalis colorea Oxalis colorea (Small) Fedde, Just's Bot. Jahresber. 32(1): 410. 1905.BASIONYM: Xanthoxalis colorea Small 1903. 
Oxalis corniculata var. macrantha Oxalis corniculata Linnaeus, var. macrantha Trelease, Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 4: 88, pl. 11. 1888. TYPE: ALABAMA: Without data, Hatch s.n. (lectotype: GH). Lectotypified by Lourteig, Phytologia 42: 80. 1979.
Oxalis priceae Oxalis priceae Small, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 25: 612. 1898. TYPE: KENTUCKY: Warren Co.: Bowling Green, 6 Nov 1898, Price s.n. (lectotype: NY; isolectotypes: NY 3 shts). Lectotypified by Eiten, Amer. Midl. Naturalist 69: 302. 1963.
Oxalis priceae subsp. colorea Oxalis priceae Small, subsp. colorea (Small) G. Eiten, Amer. Midl. Naturalist 69: 302. 1963.BASIONYM: Xanthoxalis colorea Small 1903. 
Oxalis priceae subsp. texana Oxalis priceae Small, subsp. texana (Small) G. Eiten, Amer. Midl. Naturalist 69: 301. 1963.BASIONYM: Xanthoxalis texana Small 1903. 
Oxalis recurva var. floridana Oxalis recurva Elliott, var. floridana Wiegand, Rhodora 27: 138. 1925. TYPE: FLORIDA: "East Florida", without data, Eaton s.n. (holotype: GH).
Oxalis recurva var. macrantha Oxalis recurva Elliott, var. macrantha (Trelease) Wiegand, Rhodora 27: 138. 1925.BASIONYM: Oxalis corniculata Linnaeus, var. macrantha Trelease 1888. 
Oxalis recurva var. texana Oxalis recurva Elliott, var. texana (Small) Wiegand, Rhodora 27: 137. 1925.BASIONYM: Xanthoxalis texana Small 1903. 
Oxalis texana Oxalis texana (Small) Fedde, Just's Bot. Jahresber. 32(1): 410. 1905.BASIONYM: Xanthoxalis texana Small 1903. 
Xanthoxalis brittoniae Xanthoxalis brittoniae (Small) Small, FL. S.E. U.S. 668, 1333. 1903.BASIONYM: Oxalis brittoniae Small 1901. 
Xanthoxalis colorea Xanthoxalis colorea Small, Fl. S.E. U.S. 668, 1333. 1903. TYPE: GEORGIA: DeKalb Co.: Stone Mountain, 1-18 May 1895, Small s.n. (holotype: NY).
Xanthoxalis macrantha Xanthoxalis macrantha (Trelease) Small, Fl. S.E. U.S. 667, 1332. 1903.BASIONYM: Oxalis corniculata Linnaeus, var. macrantha Trelease 1888. 
Xanthoxalis priceae Xanthoxalis priceae (Small) Small, Fl. S.E. U.S. 669, 1333. 1903.BASIONYM: Oxalis priceae Small 1898. 
Xanthoxalis texana Xanthoxalis texana Small, Fl. S.E. U.S. 667, 1332. 1903. TYPE: TEXAS: Brazoria Co.: Alvin, 20 Apr 1894, Plank s.n. (holotype: NY).
Oxalis cespitosa Oxalis cespitosa Rafinesque, New Fl. 2: 27. 1837 ("1836"), non O. caespitosa A. Saint-Hilaire 1825. TYPE: KENTUCKY: Without data, May-Jun 1823, Rafinesque s.n. (lectotype: P). Lectotypified by Lourteig, Phytologia 42: 80. 1979.
Oxalis hirsuticaulis Oxalis hirsuticaulis Small, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 25: 611. 1898. TYPE: TENNESSEE: Davidson Co.: Nashville, s.d., Gattinger s.n. (lectotype: GH; isolectotype: NY). Lectotypified by Lourteig, Phytologia 42: 80. 1979.
Oxalis recurva forma sericea Oxalis recurva Elliott, forma sericea Wiegand, Rhodora 27: 138. 1925. TYPE: ALABAMA: WIthout data, Gates s.n. (holotype: GH).
Xanthoxalis hirsuticaulis Xanthoxalis hirsuticaulis (Small) Small, Fl. S.E. U.S. 669, 1333. 1903.BASIONYM: Oxalis hirsuticaulis Small 1898. 


Country State County Date Specimen Notes Image
USA Florida Gadsden Co. 24 Mar 1990 S. L. Orzell 12988
USA Alabama Tuscaloosa Co. 23 Mar 1955 O. D. Chermock 43
USA Mississippi Stone Co. 13 Mar 1955 G. R. Cooley 3077
USA Louisiana Vernon Par. 29 Apr 1955 G. R. Cooley 4007
USA Mississippi Forrest Co. 14 Apr 1952 J. D. Ray, Jr. 6067
USA Mississippi Harrison Co. 18 Mar 1954 D. Demaree 34767
USA Mississippi Harrison Co. 18 Mar 1954 D. Demaree 34767
USA Louisiana Vernon Par. 28 Apr 1955 G. R. Cooley 3979
USA Mississippi Lauderdale Co. 18 Mar 1955 G. R. Cooley 3177
USA Mississippi Lauderdale Co. 18 Mar 1955 G. R. Cooley 3177
USA South Carolina Abbeville Co. 29 Mar 1957 A. E. Radford 20051
USA Alabama Franklin Co. 16 Apr 1955 G. R. Cooley 3480
USA Arkansas Ashley Co. 21 Apr 1958 G. R. Cooley 3655
USA Florida Bay Co. 03 Mar 2019 T. G. Lammers 163340
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