Salix eriocephala

Species:Salix eriocephala Michx.
Status:Native, Endangered-State, OBL (DEP), FACW (NWPL)
Specimen: View details of USF Herbarium specimens

** Not applicable or data not available.


Sub Class
Genus Salix


Citation SALIX ERIOCEPHALA Michaux, Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2: 225. 1803.
Basionym: **
Type: ILLINOIS: "in regione Illinoensi", 1795, Michaux s.n. (lectotype: P; isotypes: P). Lectotypified by Argus, Brittonia 32: 170-177. 1980.

** Not applicable or data not available.


CountyHerbariaLiterature Citation (If Applicable)
Gadsden USF  
Jackson FSU  
Leon FLAS  


– Denotes synonyms that are applicable to the state. Show these synonyms only

SynonymFull CitationBasionymType
Diplusion rigida Diplusion rigida (Muhlenberg) Rafinesque, Alsogr. Amer. 15. 1838.BASIONYM: Salix rigida Muhlenberg 1803. 
Salix cordata var. rigida Salix cordata Muhlenberg, var. rigida (Muhlenberg) J. Carey, in A. Gray, Manual 427. 1848.BASIONYM: Salix rigida Muhlenberg 1803. 
Salix myricoides var. rigida Salix myricoides Muhlenberg, var. rigida (Muhlenberg)Dippel, Handb. Laubholzk. 2: 282. 1892.BASIONYM: Salix rigida Muhlenberg 1803. 
Salix rigida Salix rigida Muhlenberg, Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Neue Schriften 4: 237. 1803. TYPE: PENNSYLVANIA: Lancaster Co.: Lancaster, s.d., Muhlenberg 570 (holotype: PH).
Salix acutidens Salix acutidens Rydberg, in Britton, Man. Fl. N. States 315. 1901. TYPE: PENNSYLVANIA: Lancaster Co.: Dillerville Swamp, 10 Jul 1901, Heller 4917 (lectotype: NY). Lectotypified by Argus, Syst. Bot. Monogr. 9: 128. 1986.
Salix angustata Salix angustata Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 613. 1814.  
Salix cordata Salix cordata Muhlenberg, Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Neue Schriften 4: 236. 1803, non Michaux 1803. TYPE: PENNSYLVANIA: Lancaster Co.: Lancaster, s.d., Muhlenberg 569 (holotype: PH).
Salix cordata forma mollis Salix cordata Muhlenberg, forma mollis E. J. Palmer & Steyermark, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 25: 770. 1938. TYPE: MISSOURI: Dent Co.: Spring branch of Twin Springs, 4 Aug 1936, Steyermark 12491 (holotype: MO).
Salix cordata forma subintegra Salix cordata Muhlenberg, forma subintegra E. J. Palmer & Steyermark, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 25: 770. 1938. TYPE: MISSOURI: Phelps Co.: Lake at Yancy Mills Spring, 28 Nov 1936, Steyermark 20910 (holotype: MO ?).
Salix cordata forma vestita Salix cordata Muhlenberg, forma vestita Andersson, Monogr. Salicum 159. 1867. TYPE: MISSOURI: Cole Co.?: Fort Osage, 1833, Wied-Neuwied s.n. (holotype: W(destroyed); lectotype: BR). Lectotypified by Dorn, Brittonia 47: 162. 1995.
Salix cordata var. abrasa Salix cordata Muhlenberg, var. abrasa Fernald, Rhodora 48: 34. 1946. TYPE: CANADA: QUEBEC: Gaspe Co.: R. Ste. Annes des Monts, 14-17 Jul 1906, Fernald & Collins 484 (holotype: GH; isotype: CAN).
Salix cordata var. angustata Salix cordata Muhlenberg, var. angustata (Pursh) Andersson, in de Candolle, Prodr. 16(2): 252. 1868.BASIONYM: Salix angustata Pursh 1814. 
Salix cordata var. missouriensis Salix cordata Muhlenberg, var. missouriensis (Bebb) Mackenzie & Bush, Man. Fl. Jackson County 69. 1902.BASIONYM: Salix missouriensis Bebb 1895; Salix cordata Muhlenberg, forma vestita Andersson 1867. 
Salix missouriensis Salix missouriensis Bebb, Garden & Forest 8: 373. 1895.BASIONYM: Salix cordata Muhlenberg, forma vestita Andersson 1867. 
Salix myricoides var. angustata Salix myricoides Muhlenberg, var. angustata (Pursh) Dippel, Handb. Laubholzk. 2: 283. 1892.BASIONYM: Salix angustata Pursh 1814. 
Salix myricoides var. cordata Salix myricoides Muhlenberg, var. cordata Dippel, Handb. Laubholzk. 2: 134. 1892.BASIONYM: Salix cordata Muhlenberg 1803, non Michaux 1803. 
Salix rigida forma mollis Salix rigida Muhlenberg, forma mollis (E. J. Palmer & Steyermark) Fernald, Rhodora 48: 38. 1946.BASIONYM: Salix cordata Muhlenberg, forma mollis E. J. Palmer & Steyermark 1938. 
Salix rigida var. angustata Salix rigida Muhlenberg, var. angustata (Pursh) Fernald, Rhodora 48: 38. 1946.BASIONYM: Salix angustata Pursh 1814. 
Salix rigida var. vestita Salix rigida Muhlenberg, var. vestita (Andersson) C. R. Ball, in Gleason, Ill. Fl. N.E. U.S. 2: 10. 1952, nom. illegit.BASIONYM: Salix cordata Muhlenberg, var. missouriensis (Bebb) Mackenzie & Bush 1902; Salix missouriensis Bebb 1895; Salix cordata Muhlenberg, forma vestita Andersson 1867. 
Salix torreyana Salix torreyana Barratt, Salices Amer., Sp. 29. 1840. TYPE: CONNECTICUT: Middlesex Co.: Middletown, s.d., Barratt s.n. (lectotype: NY). Lectotypified by Dorn, Brittonia 47: 162. 1995.


Country State County Date Specimen Notes Image
USA Florida Gadsden Co. 03 Nov 1985 A. K. Gholson 11533
USA Florida Gadsden Co. 14 Apr 1990 S. L. Orzell 13153
USA Florida Gadsden Co. 17 Apr 1988 S. R. Hill 19170
USA Illinois DeKalb Co. 18 Apr 2010 P. D. Sorensen 10-03 CULTIVATED. Original material came from along a stream E of Lanesboro, Minnesota (Houston County) in July 2004.
USA Illinois DeKalb Co. 08 Oct 2008 P. D. Sorensen 08-61 CULTIVATED.
USA Illinois Kane Co. 11 May 1995 S. R. Hill 26473
USA Virginia Montgomery Co. 16 Apr 1960 R. Kral 9823
USA Illinois McHenry Co. 02 Jul 2009 S. R. Hill 38185
USA Illinois McHenry Co. 01 Jul 2009 S. R. Hill 38166
Canada Quebec Prov. 14 Aug 1963 J.B. Funderburg, Jr. s.n.
USA Illinois Will Co. 28 Sep 2006 S. R. Hill 37134
USA Illinois DeKalb Co. 16 May 2006 P. D. Sorensen 607
USA Michigan Emmet Co. 30 Jun 1997 S. R. Hill 29485
USA Connecticut New London Co. 13 May 1992 S. R. Hill 23082
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