Bromus haenkeanus
| Bromus haenkeanus (J. Presl) Kunth, Enum. Pl. 1: 416. 1833. | BASIONYM: Ceratochloa haenkeana J. Presl 1830. | |
Bromus unioloides
| Bromus unioloides (Willdenow) Raspail, Ann. Sci. Nat. (Paris) 5: 439. 1825, non Kunth 1816. | BASIONYM: Festuca unioloides Willdenow 1803. | |
Bromus unioloides
| Bromus unioloides Kunth, in Humboldt et al., Nov. Gen. Sp. 1: 151. 1816. | | TYPE: ECUADOR: Pichincha: Quito, near Chillo, Conocoto and Sangolqui, Feb, Humboldt & Bonpland 2286 (holotype: P; isotype: US fragm). |
Bromus unioloides var. glaucescens
| Bromus unioloides (Willdenow) Raspail, var. glaucescens Nees von Esenbeck, in
Martius, Fl. Bras. Enum. Pl. 2(1): 470. 1829, nom. inadmiss.. | BASIONYM: Bromus unioloides (Willdenow) Raspail 1825, non Kunth 1816; Festuca unioloides Willdenow 1803. | |
Bromus unioloides var. haenkeanus
| Bromus unioloides Kunth, var. haenkeanus (J. Presl) Shear, Bull. Div. Agrostol., U.S.D.A. 23: 52. 1900. | BASIONYM: Ceratochloa haenkeana J. Presl 1830. | |
Bromus unioloides var. virens
| Bromus unioloides (Willdenow) Raspail, var. virens Nees von Esenbeck, in Martius, Fl. Bras. Enum. Pl. 2(1): 470. 1829. | BASIONYM: Bromus unioloides Kunth 1816. | |
Bromus willdenowii
| Bromus willdenowii Kunth, Revis. Gramin. 134. 1829. | BASIONYM: Festuca unioloides Willdenow 1803. | TYPE: Cultivated at Berlin; seeds from "Carolina", where doubtless cultivated, Willdenow s.n. (holotype: B-W; isotype: US fragm). |
Ceratochloa cathartica
| Ceratochloa cathartica (Vahl) Herter, Revista Sudamer. Bot. 6: 144. 1940. | BASIONYM: Bromus catharticus Vahl 1791. | |
Ceratochloa haenkeana
| Ceratochloa haenkeana J. Presl, in C. Presl, Reliq. Haenk. 1: 285. 1830. | | TYPE: PERU: "In Cordilleris chilensibus inque montanis Paruviae", without data, Haenke s.n. (holotype: PR). |
Ceratochloa unioloides
| Ceratochloa unioloides (Willdenow) Palisot de Beauvois, Ess. Agrostogr. 75, 158, 164, pl. 15(7). 1812. | BASIONYM: Festuca unioloides Willdenow 1803. | |
Ceratochloa willdenowii
| Ceratochloa willdenowii (Kunth) W. A. Weber, Phytologia 51: 371. 1982, nom. illegit. | BASIONYM: Bromus willdenowii Kunth 1829; Festuca unioloides Willdenow 1803. | |
Festuca unioloides
| Festuca unioloides Willdenow, Hort. Berol. 1: 3, pl. 3. 1803. | | TYPE: Cultivated at Berlin; seeds from "Carolina", where doubtless cultivated, Willdenow s.n. (holotype: B-W; isotype: US fragm). |
Schedonorus unioloides
| Schedonorus unioloides (Kunth) Roemer & Schultes, Syst. Veg. 2: 708. 1817. | BASIONYM: Bromus unioloides Kunth 1816. | |
Zerna unioloides
| Zerna unioloides (Kunth) Lindman, Sv. Fanerogamfl. 101. 1918. | BASIONYM: Bromus unioloides Kunth 1816. | |
Bromus angustatus
| Bromus angustatus Pilger, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 25: 719. 1898. | | TYPE: BOLIVIA: Lake Titicaca, s.d., Stuebel 60c (holotype: B). |
Bromus breviaristatus
| Bromus breviaristatus (Hooker) Thurber, in Wilkes, U.S. Expl. Exped. Bot. 17(2): 493. 1874, non Buckley 1862. | BASIONYM: Ceratochloa breviaristata Hooker 1840. | |
Bromus brongniartii
| Bromus brongniartii Kunth, Enum. Pl. 1: 421. 1833. | BASIONYM: Bromus strictus Brongniart 1831, non Scopoli 1772. | |
Bromus mathewsii
| Bromus mathewsii Steudel, Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1: 323. 1854. | | TYPE: PERU: |
Bromus preslii
| Bromus preslii Kunth, Enum. Pl. 1: 416. 1833. | BASIONYM: Ceratochloa secunda J. Presl 1830. | |
Bromus schraderi
| Bromus schraderi Kunth, Enum. Pl. 1: 416. 1833, nom. illegit. | BASIONYM: Ceratochloa pendula Schrader 1831. | |
Bromus strictus
| Bromus strictus Brongniart, in Duperry, Voy. Monde, Bot. 2: 45. 1831, non Scopoli 1772. | | TYPE: BRAZIL: Santa Catarina: Without locality, 1825, d'Urville s.n. (holotype: P). |
Bromus unioloides forma chamogama
| Bromus unioloides Kunth, forma chasmogama Hackel, in Stuckert, Anales Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires 13: 527. 1906. | | TYPE: ARGENTINA: Córdoba: Altos S de Córdoba, 6 Oct 1897, Stuckert 3448a (holotype: ?; isoytpe: CORD). |
Bromus unioloides forma cleistogama
| Bromus uniloides Kunth, forma cleistogama Hackel, in Stuckert, Anales Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires 13: 527. 1906. | | TYPE: ARGENTINA: Córdoba: |
Bromus unioloides forma pseudoparviflorus
| Bromus unioloides Kunth, forma pseudoparviflorus Koos, Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 1917: 176, 179. 1918. | | TYPE: Cult. in Netherlands, |
Bromus unioloides subforma achalensis
| Bromus unioloides Kunth, subforma achalensis Hackel, in Stuckert, Anales Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires 21: 172. 1911. | | TYPE: ARGENTINA: Córdoba: Estancia Pampa de San Luis, Achala, 18 Dec 1909, Stuckert 20651 (holotype: ?; isotype: CORD). |
Bromus unioloides var. humilis
| Bromus unioloides Kunth, var. humilis Spegazzini, Revista Fac. Agron. Veterin. (Buenos Aires) 30-31: 587. 1897. | | TYPE: ARGENTINA: Patagonia: León Range, Río Gallegos y Río Santa Cruz, 1882, Spegazzini s.n. (holotype: ?). |
Bromus unioloides var. sanjuaninus
| Bromus unioloides Kunth, var. sanjuaninus Hieronymus, Bol. Acad. Nac. Ci. 4: 69. 1881. | | TYPE: ARGENTINA: San Juan: Without data, Echegaray s.n. (holotype: ?; isotypes: BAA, CORD). |
Ceratochloa breviaristata
| Ceratochloa breviaristata Hooker, Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2: 253, pl. 234. 1840. | | TYPE: "Lewis and Clark River and near the sources of the Columbia", without data, 1826, Douglas s.n. (holotype: K?). |
Ceratochloa pendula
| Ceratochloa pendula Schrader, Linnaea 6(Litt.): 72. 1831. | | TYPE: Cultivated at Goettingen from seed sent from "Carolina", |
Ceratochloa secunda
| Ceratochloa secunda J. Presl, in C. Presl, Reliq. Haenk. 1: 285. 1830. | | TYPE: PERU: Huánuco: |
Forasaccus breviaristatus
| Forasaccus breviaristatus (Hooker) Lunell, Amer. Midl. Naturalist 4: 225. 1915. | BASIONYM: Ceratochloa breviaristata Hooker 1840. | |