Clematis crispa

Species:Clematis crispa L.
Status:Native, FACW (NWPL)
Specimen: View details of USF Herbarium specimens

** Not applicable or data not available.


Sub Class
Genus Clematis
Species Clematis crispa L. - SWAMP LEATHER-FLOWER


Citation CLEMATIS CRISPA Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 543. 1753.
Basionym: **
Type: SOUTH CAROLINA: Without data (lectotype: Dillenius, Hort. Eltham. t. 78(84). 1732). Lectotypified by A. Gray, Bot. Mag. 107: pl. ?. 1881.

** Not applicable or data not available.


CountyHerbariaLiterature Citation (If Applicable)
Alachua FLAS  
Baker USF  
Bay FLAS  
Bradford FLAS  
Brevard FLAS  
Columbia USF  
Dixie USF  
Escambia USF  
Franklin FLAS  
Gilchrist USF  
Hamilton USF  
Hernando USF  
Holmes FLAS  
Jefferson USF  
Leon FSU  
Liberty FSU  
Manatee USF  
Okaloosa FLAS  
Osceola USF  
Putnam USF  
Seminole FLAS  
Suwannee USF  
Volusia USF  
Walton FLAS  
+ Expand All


– Denotes synonyms that are applicable to the state. Show these synonyms only

SynonymFull CitationBasionymType
Clematis crispa var. walteri Clematis crispa Linnaeus, var. walteri (Pursh) A. Gray, Bot. Mag. 107: sub t. 6594. 1881.BASIONYM: Clematis walteri Pursh 1814. 
Clematis cylindrica var. walteri Clematis cylindrica Sims, var. walteri (Pursh) Torrey & A. Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 10. 1838.BASIONYM: Clematis walteri Pursh 1814. 
Clematis obliqua Clematis obliqua (Small) C. K. Schneider, Ill. Handb. Laubholzk. 1: 277. 1904.BASIONYM: Viorna obliqua Small 1903. 
Clematis viticella subsp. crispa Clematis viticella Linnaeus, subsp. crispa (Linnaeus) Kuntze, Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenburg 26: 136. 1885.BASIONYM: Clematis crispa Linnaeus 1753. 
Clematis viticella subsp. walteri Clematis viticella Linnaeus, subsp. walteri (Pursh) Kuntze, Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenburg 26: 137. 1885.BASIONYM: Clematis walteri Pursh 1814. 
Clematitis crispa Clematitis crispa (Linnaeus) Moench, Methodus 296. 1794.BASIONYM: Clematis crispa Linnaeus 1753. 
Viorna crispa Viorna crispa (Linnaeus) Small, Fl. S.E. U.S. 437, 1330. 1903.BASIONYM: Clematis crispa Linnaeus 1753. 
Viorna obliqua Viorna obliqua Small, Fl. S.E. U.S. 438, 1331. 1903. TYPE: FLORIDA: St. Johns Co.: St. Augustine, 1872, Reynolds s.n. (holotype: NY).
Clematis cylindrica Clematis cylindrica Sims, Bot. Mag. 29: t. 1160. 1808.  
Clematis divaricata Clematis divaricata Jacquin f., Ecl. Pl. Rar. 1: 51, t. 33. 1812.  
Clematis viticella var. leiostylis Clematis viticella Linnaeus, var. leiostylis Kuntze, Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenburg 26: 136. 1885.  
Clematis viticella var. pilostylis Clematis viticella Linnaeus, var. pilostylis Kuntze, Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenburg 26: 136. 1885.  
+ Expand All


USA Alabama Baldwin Co. 20 May 1981 G. Wilhelm 8967
USA Alabama Butler Co. 24 Apr 2011 A. R. Diamond 21964
USA Alabama Geneva Co. 07 Jun 1969 R. Kral 35116
USA Arkansas St. Francis Co. 07 May 1955 G. R. Cooley 4289
USA Florida Baker Co. 11 Jul 1984 B. F. Hansen 10094
USA Florida Baker Co. 14 Aug 2007 C. Slaughter 15812
USA Florida Columbia Co. 25 Jun 1992 B. J. Herring 794
USA Florida DeSoto Co. 14 Oct 1974 A.G. Shuey s.n.
USA Florida DeSoto Co. 29 Sep 2008 A. R. Franck 971
USA Florida DeSoto Co. 27 Aug 1979 D. W. Crewz 1628
USA Florida DeSoto Co. 12 Oct 1978 A. Fulton 188
USA Florida Dixie Co. 22 Mar 1973 J.M. Carlton s.n.
USA Florida Dixie Co. 18 Sep 2008 B. F. Hansen 13380
USA Florida Dixie Co. 22 Mar 1973 J.M. Carlton s.n.
USA Florida Dixie Co. 27 Sep 2014 A. R. Franck 3576
USA Florida Escambia Co. 17 May 1983 G. Wilhelm 11424
USA Florida Gadsden Co. 19 Apr 1957 J. P. Gillespie 765
USA Florida Gilchrist Co. 06 Aug 1986 F. B. Essig 860806-1
USA Florida Gilchrist Co. 18 Apr 2012 W. D. Longbottom 17093
USA Florida Hamilton Co. 07 Nov 2015 W. D. Longbottom 23994
USA Florida Hardee Co. 29 Jun 2004 A. Bishop PC0080
USA Florida Hardee Co. 24 Jan 2015 P. J. Simoes 84
USA Florida Hernando Co. 17 Apr 1979 T. F. Rochow s.n.
USA Florida Hillsborough Co. 01 Dec 1977 C. S. Lewis 182
USA Florida Hillsborough Co. 01 Dec 1977 C. G. Willett 131
USA Florida Hillsborough Co. 19 Apr 1978 A. N. Arcuri 746
USA Florida Hillsborough Co. 25 Jul 1977 A. N. Arcuri 430
USA Florida Hillsborough Co. 13 Mar 1965 D. Laker s.n.
USA Florida Hillsborough Co. 06 Oct 1961 O. K. Lakela 24728
USA Florida Hillsborough Co. 02 Jun 1999 J. Myers 383
USA Florida Hillsborough Co. 07 Jul 1998 J. Myers 079
USA Florida Hillsborough Co. 28 Aug 1985 F. B. Essig 850828-1
USA Florida Hillsborough Co. 02 Sep 1975 A.G. Shuey s.n.
USA Florida Hillsborough Co. 01 Dec 1977 D. R. Lindsey 151
USA Florida Hillsborough Co. 10 Nov 1981 R. Day s.n.
USA Florida Hillsborough Co. 12 Jun 2003 A. Bishop HR0292
USA Florida Hillsborough Co. 03 Sep 1989 M. DeVore 1022
USA Florida Hillsborough Co. 04 Apr 1975 M. Bush s.n.
USA Florida Hillsborough Co. 25 May 1984 R. P. Wunderlin 9509
USA Florida Hillsborough Co. 07 Apr 1978 D. W. Crewz 1218
USA Florida Hillsborough Co. 04 Nov 1978 R. Lassiter 752
USA Florida Hillsborough Co. 29 Aug 1998 S.W. Braem LR0766
USA Florida Hillsborough Co. 15 May 2015 C. vanHoek LR2108
USA Florida Hillsborough Co. 07 Dec 1998 F. B. Essig 981207-2 CULTIVATED. Voucher for DNA study of genus Clematis.
USA Florida Jackson Co. 04 Apr 1958 R. K. Godfrey 56407
USA Florida Jackson Co. 27 Sep 1987 R. K. Godfrey 82486
USA Florida Jackson Co. 05 Jul 1979 B. F. Hansen 5816
USA Florida Jefferson Co. 18 Jul 1986 R. P. Wunderlin 10342
USA Florida Jefferson Co. 21 Mar 2015 W. D. Longbottom 22330
USA Florida Lafayette Co. 07 Jul 1992 S. L. Orzell 20025
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Listed Status: Florida
Listed Status: (Florida):Source - Plants in the Preservation of Native Flora of Florida Act. Chapter 5B-40, Florida Administrative Code. 1998, amended.
Endangered: A species of plants native to the state that are in imminent danger of extinction within the state, the survival of which is unlikely if the causes of a decline in the number of plants continue, and includes all species determined to be endangered or threatened pursuant to the Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended.
Threatened: Listed as Threatened Plants in the Preservation of Native Flora of Florida Act. Defined as species of plants native to the state that are in rapid decline in the number of plants within the state, but which have not so decreased in such number as to cause them to be endangered.
Listed Status: US
Listed Status: US (U.S.) Source - List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants under the provisions of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended.
Endangered: Any species which is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range.
Threatened: Any species which is likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range.
WAP: Wetland AssessmentProcedure

Wetland Assessment Procedure (WAP): Source - Southwest Florida Water Management District, Wetland Assessment Procedure Instruction Manual for Isolated Wetlands (March 2005).

AD: Adaptive Species. Plant species designated as FAC or Upland by DEP, but commonly seen in the transition zone in limited numbers.
D: Deep Species. Plant species commonly found in the deep zone, and designated either FAC or OBL by DEP.
OD: Outer Deep Species. Plant species commonly found in the outer deep zone, and designated either FACW or OBL by DEP.
T: Transition Species. Plant species commonly found in the transition zone, and designated either FACW or OBL by DEP.
U: Upland Species. Plant species that are not expected to be seen in wetlands.
  • ANY - WAP critieria is not taken into consideration
  • Yes - Show results with WAP designations
  • No - Show results without WAP designations
FISC: Florida Invasive Species Council

Source - Florida Invasive Species Council's 2017 List of Florida's Most Invasive Species

Category I - Species that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida. This definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographic range of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage caused.

Category II - Species that have shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. These species may become ranked as Category I, but have not yet demonstrated disruption of natural Florida communities.

DEP: Department of Environmental Protection

Wetland Status, Department of Environmental Regulation (DEP): Source - Delineation of the Landward Extent of Wetlands and Surface Waters, Chapter 62-340, Florida Administrative Code. 1994.

OBL: Obligate wetland. Occurs almost always under natural conditions in wetlands.
FACW: Facultative Wetland. Usually occurs in wetlands, but occasionally found in non-wetlands
FAC: Facultative. equally likely to occur in wetlands or non-wetlands.
NWPL: National Wetland Plant List

National Wetland Plant List (NWPL): Source - Lichvar, R.W., M. Butterwick, N.C. Melvin, and W.N. Kirchner. 2014. The National Wetland Plant List: 2014 Update of Wetland Ratings. Phytoneuron 2014-41: 1-42.

OBL: Obligate Wetland. Occurs almost always (estimated probability 99%) under natural conditions in wetlands.
FACW: Facultative Wetland. Usually occurs in wetlands (estimated probability 67%-99%), but occasionally found in non-wetlands.
FAC: Facultative. Equally likely to occur in wetlands or non-wetlands (estimated probability 34%-66%).
FACU: Facultative Upland. Usually occurs in non-wetlands (estimated probability 67%-99%), but occasionally found in wetlands (estimated probability 1%-33%).
UPL: Obligate Upland. Occurs in wetlands in another region, but occurs almost always (estimated probability 99%) under natural conditions in non-wetlands in the regions specified.
Vascular: Any of various plants that have the vascular tissues xylem and phloem. The vascular plants include all seed-bearing plants (the gymnosperms and angiosperms) and the pteridophytes (including the ferns, lycophytes, and horsetails). Also called tracheophyte.
Bryophyte: A large group of seedless green plants including the mosses, liverworts, and hornworts. Bryophytes lack the specialized tissues xylem and phloem that circulate water and dissolved nutrients in the vascular plants. Bryophytes generally live on land but are mostly found in moist environments, for they have free-swimming sperm that require water for transport. In contrast to the vascular plants, the gametophyte (haploid) generation of bryophytes constitutes the larger plant form, while the small sporophyte (diploid) generation grows on or within the gametophyte and depends upon it for nutrition.
Lichen: The mutualistic symbiotic association of a fungus with an alga or a cyanobacterium, or both. The fungal component of a lichen absorbs water and nutrients from the surroundings and provides a suitable environment for the alga or cyanobacterium. These live protected among the dense fungal hyphae and produce carbohydrates for the fungus by photosynthesis. Owing to this partnership, lichens can thrive in harsh environments such as mountaintops and polar regions. The more familiar lichens grow slowly as crusty patches, but lichens are found in a variety of forms, such as the tall, plantlike reindeer moss. The association between the different organisms in a lichen is so close that lichens are routinely referred to as a single organism, and scientists classify lichens using the name of the fungal component.

(Definitions from: American Heritage Science Dictionary)

State Rank

This numeric rank provides the relative rarity for each species based on a scale from 1 (very rare) to 5 (common). These ranks carry no legal status.

  • S1 - Typically 5 or fewer occurrences, very few remaining individuals, acres, or miles of stream, or some factor of its biology making it especially vulnerable in the state.
  • S2 - Typically 6 to 20 occurrences, few remaining individuals, acres, or miles of stream, or factors demonstrably making it very vulnerable in the state.
  • S3 - Typically 21 to 100 occurrences, limited acreage, or miles of stream in the state.
  • S4 - Apparently secure in the state.
  • S5 - Demonstrably secure in the state.
  • SE - State exotic or non-native.
  • SH - Historically known from the state, but not seen in the past 15 years.
  • SNA - Species for which a rank is not applicable. This is mainly those species which are now excluded from flora for various reasons.
  • SNR - Not yet ranked.
  • SX - Apparently extirpated from the state.
Global Rank

Each species' global rank is determined by NatureServe. These ranks carry no legal weight. The global rank reflects the species worldwide rarity.

  • G1 - Critically imperiled globally because of extreme rarity (5 or fewer occurrences), or very few remaining acres, or miles of stream) or especially vulnerable to extinction because of some factor of its biology.
  • G2 - Imperiled globally because of rarity (6 - 20 occurrences, or few remaining acres, or miles of stream) or very vulnerable to extinction throughout its range because of other factors.
  • G3 - Imperiled globally because of rarity (6 - 20 occurrences, or few remaining acres, or miles of stream) or very vulnerable to extinction throughout its range because of other factors.
  • G4 - Imperiled globally because of rarity (6 - 20 occurrences, or few remaining acres, or miles of stream) or very vulnerable to extinction throughout its range because of other factors.
  • G5 - Demonstrably secure globally, though it may be quite rare in parts of its range, especially at the periphery.
  • GH - Historically known, with the expectation that it might be rediscovered.
  • GNA - Species for which a rank is not applicable. NatureServe does not typically rank hybrid species.
  • GNR - Not yet ranked.
  • GX - Species believed to be extinct.
Associated Ecological Communities
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For example, matching the full name exactly in a Scientific Name search for Piptochaetium avenacioides may be difficult, but strings of either tium aven or avenaci or m avenac or pipto will all result in very small lists of matches. The intended name can then be chosen from any of those lists. Usually, the last letter (or two) of a given genus, a space, and the first few correct letters of the specific epithet will provide a sufficiently short list containing the desired taxon.

A similar example in a Common Name search is Virginia snakeroot. Searching using "snake root" will yield no results due to the extra space, but searching "snake" will generate a short list of plants with the word "snake" in the common name. Furthermore, a search of "Virginia snake" or even "nia snak" yields one result: Virginia snakeroot.

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Definition: Vouchered Specimen

A voucher specimen is a pressed and thoroughly dried plant sample deposited in a herbarium, and is intended to be a permanent record supporting research purposes. A voucher may be a record of a plant's occurrence in a particular area, or a specific example of a plant used in a scientific investigation.

Proper vouchers display all the necessary attributes for complete identification of the plant, and are to be accompanied by accurate locality, habitat, collection time, and collector data.

Only plant populations vouchered by specimens deposited in Index Herbariorum recognized herbaria are represented on this map.